Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Greetings Duck Nation

One duck appeared late this morning. No ducklings, alas. Circle of life I suppose. Thanks to a buddy who alerted me to her presence. I think I have everybody trained to alert me to parking lot duck activity. She ate well and then headed to the river. I think this bodes well for the day if not, in fact, for ducklings. I suspect if she had ducklings this late in the season they were not in it for the long haul. Dup Lady woke me, as I was drifting off ever so slightly at my desk cube, and we fed the duck. Bookworm and Fagotte have been good enough to also alert me to the presence of the ducks. Oh, well, got to get them on a better feeding schedule. The students are starting to trickle back so they won't be lacking for food but I hope they continue to come around as I have ten pounds of cracked corn for them. It's a long semester.

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