Thursday, August 7, 2014

It's a secret

I came into possession of some excellent zucchini bread. What makes this so excellent is it has been liberally laced with some herbacious oil(catch my drift?) and I have been shit faced the last two nights. Not tonight, mind you, as I am going to dinner with Gastric and friends. But back to the zucchini bread. Who knew? It has lovely walnuts in it and puts a smile on my face where it belongs. Now I must practice moderation. A once a week treat and not nightly. And just a wee bit goes a long way. The only problem is as I am relaxing into a stupor I keep hearing the bell go off to the condo or the phone ring, neither of which actually happened. So I am still somewhat vigilante. And after two nights of not sleeping Saturday and Sunday, the last two nights have been positively blissful. Today I feel nothing but love for the universe. Going to spend the day with a librarian over at the Vet College exploring research and letting the librarian network with her new academic assignment of liaison to the Vet College. Then off tomorrow. Brody's Mom and I are going to lunch, hit an Italian deli and then take a break. Later the same day we we go to the Great Lakes Folk Festival and hang out. Busy, busy, busy. Saturday I need to finish a book assignment to take back to my nutritionist for Wednesday next week. Now, proceeding to the mail room to open up for the early birds, of which are included, I hope, the fair ducks of the Red Cedar River. Tomorrow I must take advantage of the few last Fridays I will be able to take off this summer. Classes start in a few weeks and already the students are starting to trickle in and and the town is lousy with U-Hauls. That is the plan du jour and tonight Mexican dinner with friends, a nice night for sleeping and I will enjoy the promise of the busy day on Friday. Later, my friends, later.

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