Monday, August 25, 2014

First day back

Not a bad day. Mal was all bent out of shape because of my coughing, which I didn't think was too bad. Went and saw Hyphen and then hit Kroger. Loaded up on potatoes, which is basically the only food hat sounds good to eat. I have lost quite of bit of weigh due to my illness and Hyphen seemed surprised when she saw me. After Kroger I made a potato and actually ate it. Right now I have a turkey dish in the microwave and that is not off putting. Note to self: never take Augmentin again. Boy, that fuxed me up as much as the Methotrexate did. The colitis flare is calming down. I really need to get in and see the gut doctor. Had a discussion with the rheumatologist about medication. I don't want to get started on the biologics, like Humira. Told her as much so I am back on the Imuran, which controlled the colitis but didn't do too much for the arthritis. Oh, well, guess that is something else I will have to live with. The aches and pains have gotten worse since I am off the Methotrexate. Wake up stiff and slow moving in the morning. Oh, well, again. Brody's Mom wants to get a group together to deal with the issues of chronic illnesses. I think that would be a great idea. Maybe get someone professionally to facilitate the process. Okay, dinner, such as it is, is calling me, much eat to maintain. Must eat to maintain, must eat to...

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