Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What I can't tell you

I had a helluva good night last night. But for reasons of my own, I can't tell you about it. Sorry, don't try to twist my arm! I was so relaxed last night and then I woke up bright and refreshed today, eager to see the ducks and enjoy life. I got up with enough time this morning to practice the mandolin for forty minutes and try some new songs out. What can I say, Gastric put me in a good mood. We talked and talked and then Brody's Mom came over and we finalized plans for Friday to celebrate her birthday and do some running around. Also this weekend is the Great Lakes Folk Festival and we plan on going Friday night. I will be busy. But with fun good stuff. It's a beautiful but foggy morning in East Lansing Town. I hope the ducks can see that we are ready for them this morning. Emily seems to be duckling-less now. Major bummer for all of us. Damn hawks. But as Moose has opined from her perch in California, Hawks gotta eat too; but just not the babies. That is so sad to think and anthropomorphize about them. Maybe the three duck muses will appear: Clio, Calliope, and Terpsichore. We can forget about the other six. These are the fun three. History, Epic Poetry and Dance. And man-o-man can these ducks dance. And eat corn, yee haw. So the bottom line is I am in a good mood, looking for the ducks in me, and hoping for a good report from my blood draw today. I am beginning to feel like the proverbial pin cushion I have had so many draws lately. I hope my potassium levels have leveled off. I did do a bit of binge eating last night. Had two ears of sweet corn around 10:00 p.m. Well, I could have had some worse snacks. Good sweet corn, the white kernels that pop off the ear. Yummo. So, that is the morning report from my desk in Cloud Cuckoo Land. Off to a better start than yesterday.

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