Friday, August 15, 2014

Game called

Yes, the game hs been called on account of illness. Damn arthritis medicine had more side effects that Dr. Jekyll's brew. Sinus infection that is rapidly morphing into bronchitis, with he mother of ll canker sources now on the tip of my tongue. So another day in bed resting. I need to pick up a few prescriptions so I will have to go out around lunch. But mostly it's a day for feeling sorry for me. The end of the summer is fast approaching on campus with students slowly tickling in. And I am sick. Poor me. And no one to take care of me. Where is Dorothy? Gastric took me to the doctor yesterday and she was out as well with a fibro flare. So she didn't have to take me to the doctor,feeling as she did, but she did. That was. A Dorothy thing. I think too bad y'all didn't have a chance to know what a gentle woman she was and what a strong woman she was, in an era before women were "supposed" to be strong. She would have made me some chicken noodle soup, from scratch if I wanted it, but mostly I wanted Mrs. Grass's soup, with the little egg of schmaltz. And bring it to me on a tray with saltines with a glass of hip juice. Ah, she was my go to gal when I was sick, as mother would storm about asking how I could be so cruel to her as to get sick, a logic I never understood. She was totally helpless when I was sick. Never took me to a doctor, just got a cousin who was a doctor to write a prescription for antibiotics for me. That was how she took care of me. Thank God for cousins like that. Okay, I've been up long enough, time for yet another nap.

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