Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sleepful in East Lansing

I have my medications back and in spite of a barely memorable music lesson I have no recollection of what I did last night. I did go home and get a short nap. Finally ate something and had my lesson. Ordered in a pizza and barely remember getting it but I must have eaten as there is not a scrap left this morning. Gastric is not here due to car troubles, and in spite of the fact I woke up moments ago I managed to make it in on time. And I can safely say that if a thunderstorm hadn't reared its ugly head I would still be sleeping. I was just exhausted yesterday. I didn't get a change to go over my lesson last night this morning so I will have to practice when I get home. I have to keep a practice journal so if I don't practice today he will know about it. So now in addition to keeping a food diary I must also keep a practice journal. Yikes!!! Also, since it is raining so hard right now I doubt Madonna Duck or the Three Muse Ducks will appear today. Actually it is kinda good I got up and dressed so fast as I didn't have time to mull over a lesson. I know I was out of it last night and I looked the part. Oh, well, maybe Gastric's car will be fixed this morning and she will come in this afternoon. Otherwise I shall stay here until after 5 and make up some time for later this week when I go to a program at the vet school and clinic on campus. All I can tell you right now is that I am still tired and this rainy weather ain't helping. And the catty cornered new neighbor, well, may she be a little less out there today. Her fan is no longer rocking my world. Now I just have to deal with the incessant clearing of the throat. Boy is that annoying. Oh, well, Heigh Ho...off to work

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