Thursday, August 28, 2014

Dear Diary

Hello all. Greetings and good morning to you all. I am feeling much better this morning, perhaps due to the fact that it is my Friday and I can sleep in tomorrow. Or that I didn't cough my head off all night as I have been doing, slept like a cool rock, watched over by Simcha. It did get a little cool in the condo last night. Comfortable. I put on a sweatshirt. How aptly name de that item of apparel is. Whilst I didn't sweat it did keep me toasty warm. And as I was wearing running shorts, ere know I don't run, I had the optimal sleeping experience. I am about to indulge in a Coke. I don't have to go to the lab today, and it will be another week until I get my last labs back. Tomorrow Gastric and I will do breakfast. I am looking forward to a properly cooked easy over egg and a piece of toast. My appetite is coming back but not in actual practice. I had yet another potato last night. Yum, yum. So that is the morning report. Mayhap more later.

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