Monday, August 11, 2014

Duckless in East Lansing

Oh, we heard them today, but did we see them? I think not. Birds, yes, picking away at the corn. But no Donna or Emily. My throat still ails me and I do believe I will call my doctor, per the advice of the urgent care's p.a. I have Hyphen today after a week's respite. I have no clue what to talk about. Maybe my new found love for zucchini bread. That sounds good. I thought my friend in AA might have a fit about the magic zucchini bread, but she did not, so now I know it is up to me to be careful, to not make that an every night treat. And so far that is working. I have my mandolin lesson tonight and think I may order in a pizza after the lesson and a salad for Tuesday and lunch for Gastric. Supposed to be raining all day today. We have baseball tickets for a Lugnuts' game tomorrow and while it is supposed to cool down the rain should cease and desist at game time. It $1 night; hot dogs and ball park fare. Hopefully the rain will be out of here by then. Alright, time for an insight. There is a public service announcement that has caught my attention. It is even on a bill board near my home. I found it disturbing insofar as the subject matter was having an emergency plan for a household. The tag line is "Winging it is not a emergency plan". Did we have these kind of PSAs' before 9/11? Is this the New Normal? Just wondering out loud.

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