Monday, December 8, 2014

All I require

All I require from a friendship is a that person be forthright with me.  Being superficial to avoid conflict is no way to enhance and maintain a relationship.  Gastric and I have that agreement and I really thought Brody's Mom and I shared the same feelings.  Perhaps I am a daunting figure.  But I have always said saying No is an acceptable form of communication.  Oh, well, wusses be wussy.

My Hanukkah decorations are falling down:  a sign from above or a poor job of taping.  I suspect the latter.  I don't know what the deal is with some people.  Maybe if I were more forthright myself I could get some answers.  What do I really want to know?  That is something to ponder and perhaps discuss at dinner on Wednesday.

Re-taped the decorations.  I have a lovely Northrup Pine tree in the area and I was going to make it a Hanukkah bush but common sense took over and I decorated the rubber chicken as what can say Hanukkah better that lights on a rubber chicken.

Back to the salt mine.

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