Monday, December 22, 2014

Another (short) week.

I asked the cats how they would like it if I worked three days and and took four off and they nodded in mutual affirmation,   No Hyphen today, but I will have a lesson tonight.  I had great news on Friday,  the short sale of my "dream house" went through so now we start the process of a regular sale.  I am having an inspection tomorrow and will give a down payment.  So...things are progressing nicely.  Over break Sophie and I will hit a few furniture stores and get an idea of prices for a seven piece dining room set and a bedroom suite.  I have a few pieces picked out on but I'd like to see a few to see what options I have.  And then Soph and I can do a lunch or early supper.  Now that things are a go I will need to budget both money and time a little bit better.  I hope we can get a closing date soon and begin the remodel. I would like to be in by April and have the condo on the market by February or March.

I got up at 3:00 a.m.  Got all set for work,  practiced for about an hour, which is good as I haven't done so for a few days.  I was so tired last week I couldn't see straight in the morning. My new glasses won't be ready until after Christmas.  Maybe Friday and that would be nice. I would have a few days at home to get used to the new lenses.  Apparently there is a big change to the left eye and that was why I kept having to close that eye to see better.  When I am not so tired, like this morning, I do see better.  And I slept a great deal this weekend.  I will still need a few four day weekends to get up to speed.  Winter will be easier this year with the promise of a new home with a new kitchen and new places for the kitties to explore.

Okay. I have time for a nap before I leave for work.  TTFN.

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