Sunday, December 7, 2014


Of late I have been very lonely.  I think Gastic and I speak two to three times a night but I still need more contact.  This time of year, especially waiting to hear about the house, is very draining.  I have my grandmother's yahrzeit yet this month,  trying to stay up and not having a lot of success.  Having friends over for the second night of Hanukkah.  I guess I am looking forward to that.  Basically looking forward to the first of the year and hearing in the affirmative about my house.  Kinda been dealing with a headache all day.  I ws going to go to breakfast this morning but couldn't muster the desire to go out.  Next Sunday Gastric and I are going to a show In West Bloomfield and prior to the show a lunch of actual deli.  Looking forward to that but not the drive there and back.  Of course if I die I will have nothing. More to worry about.  I will just straw about taking the freeway and having a stranger driving.  And passing Gastric off as Jewish.  My shabboth goy, as it were,  I think for that event we will call her Sophie.  Sophie what, though, that is the question,

I have Hyohen tomorrow and a long day Tuesday,  this week is the staff social.  And so it goes.

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