Monday, December 29, 2014


Or really tis Malvolia, and she is out the rest of the week.  Her last coal fueled email to me read "Your CONSTANT phone calls are ANNOYING me".  Poor baby.  I was trying to arrange for insurance for the house, on which I close on two weeks from today.  So time is of the essence and her annoyance at my phone calls will just have to go to a higher authority who might or might not give a damn,  God, she is an Unpleasant woman and I am sure she received lots of coal for Christmas.  I really haven't met such an unhappy person, with the exception of the Soul Sucker, which would explain Why they got along so well.  Hypocrite that she is, the Soul Sucker would run down various people to me and then turn around and call then dear and darling and go to lunch with them.  For example, the woman, now retired, she referred to as "Frog Face" and called lazy and incompetent, she now enjoys retirees lunches with on a regular basis.  Mal and the Soul Sucker hated each other yet when Mal was about to become a grandmother was given a receiving blanket and onesie for the baby from the Soul Sucker.   Seems the only ones the Soul Sucker's  wrath could not forgive was Gastric/Sophie  and me.  And now that rift is so large it is irreparable.  Soul Sucker came in for two recent parties for people she didn't like at all but now likes enough to have a meal with them..  Soph and I stick close to each other on those days.

Speaking of Sophie.  She is out all this week, all three days, and today she is taking me furniture shopping and then I shall take her to dinner.  The condo lacks a dining room as well as bedroom furniture as I converted the bedroom to a music room.  Been sleeping on the couch or the new recliners for years.  Now I need a bedroom set.  I may still sleep on the couch or in a chair but at least I will have the option of sleeping in a bed.  Also, I'd like to get a new couch or sectional for the living room.  Art Van's is having a huge sale through today and I may see if they will hold the furniture for delivery in March.  Oh, excitement.  I have a few items like porch furniture to order from Amazon.  Oh, excitement.

Must now take my excitement to work and annoy as many people as possible.

Ah, my joy was short lived as she is indeed here and I am sure I will here her ill wind blowing later today.


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