Saturday, December 13, 2014

The re-naming

Alright, folks, y'all that follow me and this blog, pay attention;  the names have changed to protect the innocent.

Gastric is now Sophie Handelman. And the Sherpa is Danielle Handelman .  The Evil Nutella is now Ethel Nusbaum,  JB has morphed into Frances Greenbaum.  LAD is now Leah Tabaschnik.  The Kimster, who didn't even know I was writing about her, is Effie Kleinman.  And so on.  Sophie's mom is Phyllis Horowitz.  Again. And so,on.  Hyphen will still be Hyphen

I now have lots of Jewish friends.  Sophie and I are going to a show tomorrow with member of my synagogue, Kehillat Israel.  And I am fluctuating as to how to introduce Sophie as that or Gastric.  She will truly be Gastric after lunch at on great deli, the Stage.  Me, too.  Love the food but it doesn't love me.  I think I will have a pastrami on rye.  I have informed Soph that there is no such thing as mayo in our brave new world.  Tomorrow the weather promised to be lovely for a long ride.  It should be fun.  And by the by, my real name is Soshana, which means Lily. Which I am about to gild.

Over and out

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