Monday, December 15, 2014

Argh! Back to work

Yo, long day yesterday.  Went with a group from my synagogue, KI, to West Bloomfield to eat deli (very good) and see the show...Old Jews Telling Jokes (very funny).  I would grab Sophie's knee for every punch line I knew was coming and by the end of the show she couldn't walk.  God, they were funny.  Our group was good and the folks we drove Down With were fun.  Toba and Stan are a fun couple and Stan and I plan to get together to play music sometime as he is also a guitar player.  They may want me to be available Mondays for community sing.  And why not.?  I can always change my mandolin lesson night, although pulling myself together after therapy to play guitar at a community sing might be asking a lot.  But...why not???

Off to work (argh!)....more to more.

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