Monday, December 29, 2014


Only sniped once today and not to me so maybe the time off mellowed her a tad?  Oh, crap, who am I kidding.  I only made a few calls today.  Still waiting to hear about the house insurance.

Gastric and I are going to run my errands:  Picking up my new eye glasses, and then out to Art Van to shop for furniture.  Other than getting the house insurance all the paperwork is in.  I will call tomorrow about the insurance.  Two more days this week then a quiet four days off.  I will save as much of my vacation time for the house, moving and the like. 

Okay, I am going to endeavor not to deliberately antagonize Mal.  But she complains about my sneezing, the way I blow my nose, and my own gastric endeavors so it is difficult to tell when and where I antagonize the woman.

So, in the spirit of the season, a song that bears repeating.


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