Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Just Plotz!!!

I am so excited about the new abode I could just plotz!   PLOTZ I TELL YOU!!!

Went to Art Van's last night with Sophie and picked out all my new furniture.  $6,000 later I have a home, save for the kitchen.  Still it is fifty months same as cash so what is a few dollars a month?

I also consulted with my "interior designer" and ordered a rug today for the dining room and a rug  and a table lamp for the bedroom.  Took advantage of a coupon and ordered a patio set for the front (maybe the deck) porch.  I am still pondering another set for the porch (deck).  Why not have two?  Anyways...the next big deal will be the kitchen.  Appliances and remodel.  Refinish floors and paint.  This will all make the winter speed by I am hoping.  Closing is less than two weeks away.  Must touch bases with the insurance agents.

Normally spending money on this scale would depress me (and maybe it will later) but I am just manic high and in a gregarious mood.  Mandolin lesson tonight and I am ill prepared.  Oh well.  And dang!!! I get paid tomorrow.

Life is good...wait for the crash...ah, well, life is good now.

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