Thursday, December 18, 2014

The new glasses

Well, I did need new glasses and they ended up dilating my eyes so by the time I came home to finish cooking my Hanukkah dinner I couldn't see straight, so I winged it when it came to the veggies and latkes.  And, in my not so humble opinion, everything came out pretty good, but like any holiday party, I have a shitload of sweets left.  Rugelach, macaroons, pie, fudge and so on.  At work today I have my menorah lit and some sweets brought it.  It was a good party and I think all had a good time.  I can't wait until I get my new house and can really throw a bash.  My dining room set that I covet has six chairs and it would be nicer eating around a table than sitting around a small coffee table and chowing down.

My current union, APA which is affiliated with the NEA and MEA, has asked to to come on board as a new Area Rep.  And I said yes, after pondering the issue last night.  Why not?  Aunt Marilyn, who was the union president for her school and was also a member of the MEA and NEA, would support that move.

Not much more to report.  Had a lovely day off yesterday and will enough a few four day weekends in the near future.

Happy Hanukkah.

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