Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Long day turned short

I did end up leaving work a little less then  the. planned ten hour day.  Two chairs were FedEx'd to the front porch and fortunately Gstrics's son was able to carry then upstairs.  He will put them together later this week, taking one of the old chairs with him.  The other old chair will go to my housekeeper. Thus I will have two new chairs.  Ready to be moved to the new house, which I am still hoping to be in by spring 2015.  So that is my story and I am sticking to it.

Gastric is taking me a-Krogering today and then we will pick up dinner before going to a concert tonight.  Mannheim Steamroller.  How festive.  I have yet to hear from Brody's Mom about whether she will join us for dinner.

I am also thinking about my Trust.  I may change the trustee to a younger person, maybe making Gastric and the Sherpa co trustees with the Sherpa taking over the ultimate duties when she is a little older.  Just thinking,  I hate to be changing trustees every few years and having the Sherpa as the trustee makes a great deal of sense.

So that is about where I am at. Unsure of the future, as forever.  Also, on a totally different matter, the fish tank is clearing up since I discovered the body of the decomposing fish.  Too much death.  Tomorrow will be the one year Yahrzeit of my aunt Martha,  still not time to remove her death notice from my inbox.  I'll light a candle tonight.

Okay. Work calls.

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