Thursday, December 4, 2014

One year ago

Ale-ha-Ha-shalom Aunt Martha.  Passed a year ago today.  And, in part, sitting Shiva at work, such as it was, was the set piece for the demise of a friendship of almost thirty years, all for the priorities of the Soulsucker.  Today is a day  of remembrance for Martha and relationships.

Seems I have lost a few relationships in the past five years.  Some, like Patricia and Aaron, I had to end as they were literally taking my lifeblood and draining me dry.  Some, like the Soulsucker, was meant to be.  There were too many things wrong with that relationship that I tolerated for years; the racism especially, that was anathema to me but I endured for the sake of harmony at work and Gastric's friendship at the time with the Soulsucker, which has also since ended.  And while the Soulsucker thinks our relationship can never be repaired she is hopeful, at least to her in-laws, that she and Gastric can work things out.  Not so much, says Gastric; irreparable.  Some, like the Urinal's spouse, was lost due to the machinations of the Urinal himself.  I was unfriended on Facebook and took that as a not so subtle hint.  But Gastric and me, we are "just because" buddies.  Growing closer by the day.  Another relationship is on the brink but we are ignoring the brinkmanship signs and pretending that things are alright.

But...I digress.  A year fast the time has flown.  I have a bad mental habit of imagining people dead in the coffins, decomposing faster than Mozart could erase.  I have physical photos and mental images, both hard to shake.

I suspect Mal is here but I haven't heard her clear her throat for the first time yet today, a process that goes on and on to the point of delirium.  Most get to work so I can't be accused of being a Malcontent..

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