Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Touching lives

I have been listening to, again and again. the song I linked yesterday, Angels by Nanci Griffith.  And, of a sudden, I was thinking about Uncle Leo Levine and his second wife, Carol, who had an affinity for angels. Their house was filled with her paintings of the angels she envisioned.  And, equally of a sudden, I was thinking how easily our lives are touched by others, in seemingly small ways.  Both Uncle Leo and Carol are gone now, perhaps with the angels (yes, there are angels in Judaism) but the song brought back the last summer my dad was alive and we went to Milwaukee to visit them and had a swell time.  That is to say we got to go to a Milwaukee Brewers baseball game (they were playing the then National League Houston Astros and the Brewers lost).  That was in 2003.  Then the whole world fell apart.  I got sick, first with ulcerative colitis which lead to the discovery of renal cell carcinoma on my left kidney, and my dad being diagnosed with lung cancer.  By spring he was gone , as was my left kidney.  But we had that last summer in Milwaukee, in a crappy motor lodge with bad electricity which kept going out.  With Uncle Leo and Carol and her angels.  And, thus another link and wishes for a happy year to come.

Hard Times Come Again No More

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