Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Amazing Adventures of the Soul Sucker ( and her friend Patricia (a.k.a. The Viper))

It never ceased to amaze me that the Soul Sucker continued to exchange Christmas cards with my Ex, even though they had never known each other prior to knowing me.  And the Soul Sucker even tried to facilitate a rapprochement between the Ex and me just prior to last Christmas,  so it shouldn't have amazed me that she, that is the Soul Sucker, sent a Christmas card to Gastric's mother and sister, ere know Gastric (and me for that matter) are not on speaking terms.  What possesses the Soul Sucker to maintain relationships to the exclusion of me and Sophie with people we are/were closest to? She would have to know that Sophie's sister Ethel would tell Sophie she had received a card from said Soul Sucker.  I guess I don't understand maintaining secondary relationships when the primary relationship has ended.

And what possessed Patricia, with whom I haven't spoken to in months, to send Sophie, not a holiday card but a note saying something to the effect that she hoped Sophie was retired and that I wasn't missing her too much.  What the fux? I laughed my egg roll filled mouth off when Sophie told me this last night.  Why write to Sophie, when she had to know Soph would share this with me. Oh, maybe I do get it.  It is a sly way of staying in touch with a former colleague.  It annoyed me to no end, not so much that the Soul Sucker exchanged cards with the Ex but that she delighted in telling me about this and that the Ex still wanted to get together to be friends.  Why?  The Soul Sucker collects people it seems.  Patricia needed to reach out to someone who is in daily contact with me.

Which brings me to the new house.  I think.  I was going to slip a note under Patricia's door the day I move out, telling her I am moving (but not to where).  I don't want her calling me once I move.  It's bad enough that she used to check my outgoing mail.  Thus, I will have to do all my change of address cards away from the building.  Which is another reason to move.

So, on this the seventh day of Hanukkah, I ponder this.  Patricia...that I understand.  She is lonely, alone and I have deserted her.  The Soul Sucker deserted us and yet maintains relationships with people to whom she had only secondary attachments.  Why and what the fux?  And where the hell is Hyphen to not hear me whine about this?

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