Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Green Tuna envy

Ya know I have been reading my friend's blog, Green Tuna, and I have Green Tuna Envy.  I believe this is a true medical condition.  I post self imploding stuff of minimalism.  Green Tuna has beliefs other than mine (which is to take another pill...yes, The Soul Sucker was right.  I only see my shrink to get drugs...what the hell is wrong with that?).  Green writes about things I only ponder in the deep dark recesses of my mind.  Peace and justice.  The meaning of life.  What is the meaning of my life?  To take a other pill and to hang with  Mrs. Handelman.

So, in an effort to emulate Green Tuna, I tell you today I am all fuxed up.  Still waiting to hear about my house. Upset with some friends, and having Holidays Blues.  Yes, my cube at work is decorated but my heart is heavy.  Oh, this might be worthy of Green Tuna. Why heavy, you ask?  Two yahrzeits in December and generalized depression caused by this time of year. Being Jewish is difficult during the Christmas holiday.  I always feel like I am the only one on the planet not in a festive mood.  I feel like  an outsider. Oh, sure, growing up we use to drive around and look at the pretty Christmas lights, but the actual day was filled with Chinese food and some idiot rat bastard cousin thinking it was funny to dress as Santa for his two daughters.

So, a la Tuna, what do I want for Hanukkah?  Nothing material.  Just to have my friends around me for another year.  At least.  Gastric, Mrs. Handelman, Brody's Mom, JB, LAD, the Kimster, the MP,  Captain Morgan's friend, et cetera.  Other than that, what is there to want?  Material things can be replaced.  Life can't be.

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