Thursday, September 18, 2014


What is it about me that I constantly want to help people? I am very openly emotionally supportive and lately I have been helping people eat a better diet. Like making both Gastric and me homemade lunches so she/I/we eat less crap and eat a more balance diet. Another acquaintance I was able to get her to accept a protein bar in lieu of a donut. Try to keep healthy snacks at work for, mostly high protein items. I am always handing out a Kind protein bar. And I eat them as well. Really helps me get through the day. I have been eating somewhat better myself since I saw the nutritionist. I should see her again. I haven't totally adopted her suggestions, like drinking a smoothie for breakfast. I can't get past having a Coke first thing in the morning. But the rest of the day I do pretty well. But I also an very emotionally available to people and it's not that I get dumped on, but sometimes I wish some people who are not that close to me would keep their thoughts to themselves. I am not talking about close friends, like Gastric, Brody's Mom, the European trip buddies minus one. But there is a person who also sees Hyphen and she recently dumped on me and I don't know how to handle it and I am afraid I may have hurt a close friend in the process. In this case I am clearly in the middle. I should stick to handing out protein bars and juices. Eh? I also want to give a big shout out to Brody's Mom who is not a grandmother to a fine young boy child. Baby and mom (and grandma) all doing fine. A great day for the family.

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