Wednesday, September 24, 2014

New tune

I have a tune in my head that is nicely transferring to my mandolin.  I thought would make a nice song for Brody's Mom's new grandson.  It sounds like a traditional fiddle tune, but played on the mandolin.  I am thinking of some words but I really think Brody's Mom might be able to help more with the lyrics. Maybe we can get together this week before the Petoskey trip and sort something out. The tune is just stuck in my head.  It is not a lullabye; it is more of a happy 'boyish' tune.  Perhaps an aire.  Peppy would describe it.  So I practiced some but was trying to figure this tune out.  I think maybe I will play it for the mandolin teacher Monday and have him tell me if it sounds like something altogether else.

Gastric was out with a migraine yesterday and I was all by my lonesome.  I worked through break and lunch and I still can't get caught up,on the dammed list from when I was out sick.  Getting closer but every time I get it down to o e thousand headings they load more records and I am back over two thousand headings.  Job security, as we like to boast.

Today I will walk with a friend to fetch lunch for me and the girls.  The weather has turned nice after a real pre-autumnal cold snap.  I think this may well be our Indian summer.  I fear that we are in for another nasty winter.  After so many mild winters we got hit like a house of bricks last winter and I think we are due for another one.  Many of my neighbors were without power for almost two weeks while me and the cats just across the street were fine.  It was tense for a while but we made it.  This was around the Christmas holidays.  Not a nice holiday for a lot of people.  I get chills just thinking about it.

Gonif is running crazily about the house.  I think he may be chasing Simcha.  Yankel is laying peacefully on the couch.  It is time for me to take my leave.  Adieu

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