Monday, September 15, 2014

Oh, oh

I am woefully unprepared for my lesson tonight and very anxious about my appointment with the kidney specialist today. Having been left with only one kidney and doing my best to keep this one happy, my last labs were a bit off so I am very anxious, very much so. I am dressed in a full Hyphen today and I look simply divine, but my gut is in an uproar with nerves. The Colitis Gods are not amused. Hopefully it will settle down a trifle before I depart for work. So from having a nice weekend and pushing concerns out of my mind, they have come roaring back this morning, grabbing me. I am the Girl with Colitis going by, as the Beatles song goes. But, the day will go as days do and I can only hope for the best outcome possible. Just have my gut settling down would be a good thing. My kidney doc appointment is right after Hyphen so I may cut my session short and go early to the kidney doctor. Oh, life, so cruel, so gentle; make your damn mind up...dame colitis. I am afraid to cough or sneeze, a situation that should make Mal and all her various malcontents very happy. Green Tuna is right. It is a little too tense down on the west side of the building. Like California, everything loose rolls west and that explains so much that is wrong with the current set-up. All the crazies that were spread out over two large rooms are now compacted into one smaller room. The air pressure is palpable. Okay, I am taking my 60 year old body off for a day of work and doctors.

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