Friday, September 19, 2014

Pompous Ass Redux

I had a very nice write up in my union newsletter. The MSU Administrative Professional Association is the largest union on campus and is affiliated with the both the Michigan Education Association and on the national level with the National Education Association. Pardon the horn tooting but "toot toot"!

Also nice yesterday was a mid-week "thanksgiving" meal.  Brody's Mom came over to celebrate the birth of her grandson who reside with his parents in Grand Rapids.  She couldn't get away from work to go see the child but is going tonight.  I thought a celebratory dinner was in order plus some aroma therapy to take the edge off an otherwise hectic day.  I made a small turkey roast, the leftovers being ground up for Gonif's special diet, with mashed potatoes, broccoli, cranberry relish and some of my fabulous cucumber salad.  We had a great time relaxing to the sounds of jazz with a Pirates baseball game on the TV (on mute of course).   She helped to clean up and left about 8:30.  Again, it was a very relaxing time and she was able to enjoy herself and her new found grandmother-hood.  She is going to spend the weekend with her daughter and son in law and the baby, G. Wayne, and be back at work with pictures on Monday.  I am so happy for her.

Looks like to be a good day at work as Mal has the day off and there will be no bitching allowed.  We can all breathe a little easier.  I still and working off a list that date back over a month but I am very hopeful that I can have that cleaned up by next Wednesday at the latest.  My boss, The Brainiac, is going to Estonia for a conference and will be gone for a week.  She will be available via email.  But I told her I would protect the catalog from the interlopers and make sure it was running smoothly, as best I can.

So that is about it for the time being.  I hope you enjoy the horns.

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