Wednesday, September 24, 2014

deep, dark secret...

I has one...Seems I have in a lovely MSU forest green canvas carrying bag with leather handles the remains of my late neighbor and friend Jerry as well as his late cat Sassy (no, they died at different times and I did not have the cat put down to accommodate Jerry's last wishes.  The cat developed kidney failure and passed).  So what is the dirty little secret?  I had the canvas bag under my end table and when I was in the midst of a cleaning frenzy, like you do, I discovered much to my chagrin that Gonif had puked on the bag.  I laughed, I cried.  I know it was Gonif as he is my only puker.  Well, i hastily cleaned the bag up and it is almost good as new.  Folks tell me, as I confess this transgression, that Jerry would appreciate the humor of the situation, as would his cat Sassy.  I actually feel awful about this so I believe confession is good for the soul.  I have since moved the bag out of harm's way.  We are supposed to scatter the ashes but I can't seem to bring myself to part with Jerry yet.  It's been over a year and I can still see him laying dead and cold on the hall floor of his condo.  So until some of the grief issues are resolved I am holding on to him and his memory.

There.  I guess I don't feel better afterall.

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