Saturday, September 6, 2014


Switching between watching football and baseball and just ordered in some Chinese food. It has been a day of errands and had a lovely lunch with Gastric, the Sherpa and the Evil Nutella. Was able to hit Kroger and get some lovely short ribs for a future cold weather (yes, that is coming all too soon). Later the same day...hit Walgreen's and as I had a gift card and points only spent $60 for almost $100 of soaps, shampoos, aspirin, well, you get the idea. Couldn't decide on what to make for dinner so I finally thought fried dumplings sounded good. They will be here about 9:00. I also received a phone call from an Ex (not THE EX) who was my realtor who told be a classmate from college had passed away suddenly. So Honest Bon and I talked for a long time, reminisced and then ended up talking about our own fragile health. It is hell getting older but it beats the option. Back to lunch. Sherpa and I talked about her future plans for schooling and a potential career. I'd like it if she could shadow me for a day as I think she'd make a fabulous librarian, given her love of reading and her discipline, she is a senior in high school this year but wise beyond her years and has a good head on her shoulders and lots of good sense instilled by her dad and Gastric, her grandma. She and Gastric remind me so much of me and my grandmother. That was the best familial relationship I ever had. I felt truly loved by one person. Oh, there were some rough spots and my whole family seemed to think that withholding affection was the best form of discipline, which really fuxed me up. But more on at another time. With Gastric and the Sherpa they have a special bond that is so lovely to see. So that was my day. Lunch out, errands and reminiscing. Okay. Onward to baseball.

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