Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I am disappointed

Doctors...what the hell? My kidney specialist wants me off the medication that keeps my kidneys copacetic because it aggravates my colitis. I don't know, death by pooping or a slow, lingering death by kidney failure. I'll take the pooping. I am going to call back the practice and ask to be seen by the doctor who originally prescribed the kidney medication and get back on it. I have no confidence in the younger doctor because of this. I just feel like I am reaching the end of an ever shortening rope. Oh, fux. Oh, me or my. And issues in therapy are proving to be easier, NOT!!! One friend tells me one thing about another person and this person comes to me with other complaints. No wonder my gut is in an uproar. Sounds like a good day to finish the magic zucchini bread and call in well. But, alas, it is my long day and I have much to do. I should practice some more but my hands just ache today because of the cold and damp weather of this morning I am just fuxed. I think I shall cuddle with the cats and make the bets of it, his side of eating zucchini bread.

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