Monday, September 29, 2014

My Dear, why are you up at this Godforsaken hour?

Yes, after a mere two hours of sleep, restless at best, I am up at 1:11 a.m., showered and dressed for the day ahead.  Made no sense to stay in bed as my gut is very unhappy and I am up and down all the time.  Feels like I ate razor blades, all since I had some Mexican fare on Friday.  The jalapeños did me it.  I broke out in a sweat once I returned to work and got sick to my stomach.  I recovered sufficiently to go o Petoskey on Saturday but on the way home the sweats came back and the gut went its own way.  Sunday was calmer but now at 1:17 a.m. The pain has returned.  I took my ulcer medication and will call my GI doctor this week.  So now I am awake and an old episode of Leverage is on and I will try to sleep to that ambient noise.  And the upshot of the Petoskey trip is I didn't like the jerky I bought after all.  If I would have been able to taste it. I would have known but I was too urgy after lunch to eat anything,

And now for something completely different.  I received a Jewish New Year's card from Patricia.  It had no return address on it (as if I wouldn't have recognized her shaky handwriting).  Wished me a good year and how she was basically a good person as she recognized diverse holidays, and, in essence, is trying to worm her way back into my life.  Ain't gonna work but kudos for trying.  And maybe that is contributing to the ongoing gut problems.

And onto something else.  I joined Kehillat Israel, a Reconstructionist Synagoue in town.  It is based in an old school building in Lansing. Yes, Aunt Marilyn, I am now affiliated.  Dues weren't too bad for the first year and we will see what the second year is like, in about a year or so.  Dues, not passing the plate In front of ALL to see.  So I am trying to get a ride to Yom Kippur services on Saturday.  I know to break fast, if I am able to still eat by next Saturday, I will dine on a fine traditionall Jewish Meal of Chinese food from Asian Gourmet, a great dive of a restaurant that also delivers.

Okay, I am still not tired but my iPad is.  Good night all.

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