Friday, September 26, 2014

Practice practice and more practice

I feel like I am getting a better grip on the matter of the mandolin.  Chords are coming easier, I know proper fingering, even when I do it wrong.  I know how to correct my fingering mistakes now.  And Winging It is taking on its own life.  The song is going well, even if Gold Rush isn't.

Tomorrow the girls, Gastric, Brody's Mon and me, are going to Petoskey.  Looks like it will be a beautiful day for a ride.  I told Gastric she could ride shot gun as I am more comfy in the back seat, give my proclivity to ride the passenger side brake.  We have a lovely restaurant picked out for lunch and a number of butcher shops to check out on the great jerky hunt.

Sunday will be a day of rest and a day of going to the farm market.  But mostly rest.  Monday should be an awkward therapy session followed by some medical test and lack,of a post therapy nap.  Music will be delightful.  I will play Winging It for Ben.  I think, that is.

So, these are the Days of Awe, the Jewish High Holy Days.  In that light I offer the following words.  I apologize for anything I might have said or done to hurt or offend anyone,  let me know if you area amongst those in that camp and I will make the apology more personal.  That's how I shall roll.

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