Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Morning Blog

In spite of the short week, it is the first full week of classes at MSU. Kind of a crazy time of year until routine takes hold in mid October. Should be a good day to shop, Krogering that is. Gonif has decided he likes a new deli sliced turkey and has turned his elegant nose up at the ground turkey. Who wouldn't? At least he is eating and not doing the proverbial scarf and barf. So he can have the $5 a pound shaved turkey. Until he decides maybe ham would be a nice change of pace. But He Who Must Be Obeyed has spoken with his appetite and he shall be obliged. The others are fine with the kibble and the treats. But the G Man puked too easily on that diet so he gets special treatment, which also befalls the Other two in the form of extras. Simcha is more the glutton than the big boy, Yankel, which is surprising. Yankel is not overly fond of human food, other than the occasional KFC and turkey. But he is not a big eater. Just a big boy. As for me the jerky odyssey continues. The Welsh rarebit should be here this week pro priding a much needed change in pace for me. And I will endeavor, no, persevere to lose another ten pounds in a more rational manner than the first twenty of the last two months. The I am not hungry diet. The appetite is back and I must make more rational choices about my food. Or not. Who knows how long we have and why not enjoy jerky and rarebit? And for those of you who may be unfamiliar with rarebit, it is basically a beer laced cheese sauce served over toast points. Yummy...topped with a broiled tomato or some crumbled bacon, double yummy. Okay, off to work to make the bacon to buy the bacon.

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