Friday, September 12, 2014

We can breathe today

Mal is out for the day so there is a palatable sense of relief in the air. So nice to be able to breathe, fart, belch, sneeze and cough without the harrumphs from the other side of the cube farm. I just finished ordering storage items for my desk at home as I really need to tidy up some aspects of the condo. The drawers in the old desk are not suitable for a great deal of storage. And I think I will also tackle the long table and tidy that up as well. I am looking forward to a great weekend. Hopefully Brody's Mom's grandbaby will arrive soon and she can take off for a visit. Until then we are symphoning tonight. Maybe doing breakfast on Sunday. The prelude to all this is a calm day at work with a few meetings and a new fountain pen to play with. AND NO MAL!!! Life is good.

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