Friday, September 5, 2014

So long loading dock

This is the last day this 'summer' where early entrance to the library is via the loading dock. Come Sunday night we resume 24/7 operations and don't have to watch the loading dock. This really signals the end of summer for me, it was nice sitting with Gastric in the morning on the dock waiting for the ducks, who are apparently late sleepers and have not appeard since July. Of course the hawk may have had something to do with that but who knows. So on the last day of dock duty, until Christmas break, we shall observe a moment of silence for the summer gone by. A topic change, I had my first pizza in a month last night and that was not a smart move. Body wasn't ready for the influx of grease. So today's lunch of a light salad may be just what the doctor ordered. If I eat at all. Don't tell Gastic, who has been monitoring my food intake since the great illness of 2014. Right now I just want an iced tea and some quiet time this morning. Insights, I ain't got them. Alright, maybe one. My dad used to say 'to be a king is not worth it', only to be contradicted by Mel Brooks years later when he opined 'it is good to be king'. I am of the latter opinion. Dad world's view was too narrow. Sure, with rank comes responsibility but also great reward. Who amongst us would opt to be a peasant rather than a king? Alright. So that wasn't a great observation. And A sad farewell to Joan Rivers. No, I won't have to close her dates in the authority file but a sad passing nonetheless. 'Nuff said.

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