Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Please don't breathe so loud...

We are packed like the proverbial sardines in Technical Services. Two large rooms have been combined into one smaller room and we are all on top of each other. To her credit the head of Tech Services has asked us to be consideration of others but some people, alright Mal, makes a point of telling every one how loud they are and she is one of the worse offenders of idle chatters and while she shot me an email about me humming, she hums herself. Rather than setting off a pissing match I have opted to turn the volume on my iPod up. I can still hear her coughing and humming but the music hath charms and all that. The worse part is people can overhear phone conversations and I am a tad worried that some conversations may become grist for the rumor mill, like when I call my doctor for lab results or to make appointments. Well, shit, I just hope people can learn some discretion. Today is the library open house I am working from 1-5 to cover for another person. I will most likely work until 6:00 tonight. Almost twelve hours. And I have to make some time up for my lunch meeting with my financial guy tomorrow. The life insurance he wants me to have keeps getting shot down because of all my health issues. I just might as well up and die...as long as I do it quietly so as not to disturb Mal. My open house table is with the ergonomic team wherein we approach students and weigh their backpacks to see it they are carrying too much weight. Just to make them aware of potential problems. Plus we have hints on computer usage, reading and gaming. It's a nice way to welcome the students to the campus. So that is my day. No crap, just complaining about Mal and her attitude. I thought and I thought and I can't find one nice thing to say about her so I won't

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