Friday, September 12, 2014


I have a 10:00 meeting with my boss, The Brainiac, to discuss electronic theses and subject assignation. I just love that word. It will most likely last an hour so I will miss break and that's a big oh well. I really respect and like The Brainiac as she has such flights of intellect that it is fun keeping up with her. We have a great relationship and it is one, I believe, of mutual respect. Aside from my longest tenured boss, Justice's Mom, Brainiac is cool. And, like Justice's Mom, has a great sense of humor.truly an academic's academic. So we should have fun today. I finally have my lists below 2,500 hits so I may be able to finish my backlog by next week. Tonight is the first symphony of the season and that will make for a long day. But Lordy, how I love going to the symphony. I will take an energy drink tonight as I won't have time for a refreshing nap before going. And, it will be a late night. So here's to a quiet weekend of cooking short ribs for me and the Boys and steaming the house up on this first cool weekend of the season. I have had a taste for short ribs for a while and today the new crock pot will arrive so it will be an experience. I think mashed potatoes or buttered noodles as an accompaniment and roasted veggies. My favorite specialty grocery store has closed so I won't be able to get parsnips. Here's to Goodrich's. They had a long run and I miss them dearly. We will be getting a Whole Foods store in a year or so but that won't make up for all the good stuff Goodrich's carried. So long old pal. More room for student apartments, which apparently we need, but who really knows. Okay, Gastric and my long lost nephew are en route so I am en off...

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