Thursday, September 4, 2014

Road trip a-coming

Well, the great beef jerky search has evolved into a road trip the last weekend of the month. Brody's Mom, Gastric and I are going to take a nice Saturday drive to the town of Petoskey wherein Gastric has found at least two butchers that make their own jerky. One doesn't sound that good as they make it with cherries and cherrywood smoke, but the other sounds like the real deal. Come the end of the month the colors may have started to change that far up north so we should be treated to a nice show. A few weeks later and we might miss the display. I don't know what it is but the changing season of fall leads to the ohs and ahs of the season. All this does is make me depressed. It means winter is coming and after the last winter of long duration I am not in the mood for a repeat. And according to the Old Farmers' Almanac we are due for yet another horrific winter. Yes, the first snow is pretty, but when it is gray from exhaust and tires and lingers into late April I scream in the dark night of the soul. Spring is my time of in Hope Springs and yes it does. Already I am sad. Students are back, the Lugnuts are done for the year, football is in full swing, nights, well, the nights haven't started to cool yet, but we had such a mild summer. Why, on the 13th of August I was walking around in a sweatshirt as the night had gotten so cold. So, this ode of a road trip has turned I to a piss and moan about the change of season. Greet the color change, ye mighty, with shock and awe, but it does not bode well. The first cold winds will come, the skies will get November slate and before you know it another year is gone and we are knee deep in snow.

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