Monday, September 22, 2014


I just updated my iPad to the new operating system.  It takes a little getting used to.  It has the word suggestion line above the keyboard, just like the annoying one with the Android operating system.  And then there was the autobrightness option, which I immediately turned off.  I haven't done the Mac yet.  Basically all I use the Mac for is music.  The iPad is my go to tablet.  I am known in some corners as the techno-slut, due to my penchant for new technology.  I carry a different Android tablet with me for work, along with a cell for emergencies.  But at home I love my iPad.  We have to get Kathie's set up so we can do Face Time when we chat at night.

I have therapy today with Hyphen and before that a dental appointment for a cleaning this morning.  My mandolin lesson is tonight and my left wrist is sore again, which worries me.  I had that one surgically repaired less than a year ago and it is acting up again.  I think we will spend some time on my hand positioning tonight.  I have been icing the wrist and taking anti-inflammatory medication for the ache,  it may just be some arthritis in the wrist as the weather has been a little funky of late.  Cold, then warm and humid and then cold and wet again.  It's been a challenge few weeks for people with chronic pain issues.  We have a small support group for folks with chronic pain. We are taking a field trip to Petoskey for the day.  We will see the colors (which I am told is a big treat for the lovers of autumn, of which I am not one).  But aside from the color tour, we will have lunch and do some shopping and checking out various butchers for real beef jerky.  Oh, yes, we will talk about our lives with chronic pain, of which I think I may have less of than my compatriots.  But most just spend the day together away from the realities of everyday life.

One of the new features of the iOS 8 update is this:😘 😱.  I think this is a dehancement.  Who really cares about emoticons?  So I shan't be tormenting you with them.  I don't know if dehancement is a real word but We at the Library have used to for years to describe a update to a system that is either unwanted, unneeded or unnecessary.  But live with it I guess.

Okay, almost time for a long day.  See ya in the funny papers.🐱

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