Monday, September 1, 2014

Rainy Days and Mondays

Today we celebrated Gastric's birthday with a very wet Lugnuts' ball game. In the sixth inning the skies opened and we departed the stadium, splashing in puddles all he way to the car. Gastric had a good time,,even if we didn't see the end of the game. The rain was gentle at first and then...WHAM! Soaking wet. Luckily no thunder of lightening but my gosh did we get wet. Baptizing as it were Gastric on her natal day. Gastric's granddaughter, The Sherpa, fetched me a hot dog before the rain commenced. It has since stopped raining completely. And the It figures. I got home and changed I to dry clothes and will blow dry my hair in a bit. Basically, I won't need a shower today. Rain water has washed me clean. And it was fun playing in the puddles. Brody's Mom leading the way, splashing and laughing. It was a little tense driving in the rain and some idiot virtually cut us off, but Vicky the. car got us home safely. I think I am going to finish drying off and get me a Coke. In any every...Happy Birthday to Gastric. We are a couple of old ladies now, but raring to go and have more adventures.

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