Sunday, September 21, 2014

Last day of summer

And it has gone by all too fast.  Did spend a nice day with friends and ran the roads some, which is something I haven't do e in quite some time, it was a good day.  Went to breakfast, did some shopping and got a nap in.  Was going to make an elaborate dinner but decided my tummy would be happier with something bland and light. Yes, this colitis reared its ugly head this afternoon. So a baked potato is on the menu.  Right now my gut is sore and I am very bored.  Only football on TV and the game is boring.  Nothing else appeals to me.

I am a little anxious about Hyphen tomorrow.  That may explain the gut reaction.  Vicarious Traumatization is on her menu and it is not something I have been doing to her but myself.  I am really growing weary of the stomach upset but am assuming at this point some of it is stress.

Next Saturday, homecoming at MSU, is a planned trip to Petoskey.  I am a little anxious about that.  I don't know why.  Maybe because I will miss my Saturday nap.  And then Sunday is such a short day.  Another month and the farmers will be gone for the season.  I am already tire of the cold weather. And it has just begun in earnest.  I did buy a pumpkin today to put outside my door in celebration if the season and changes.

What the hell.  Life goes on (until it doesn't any more).

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