Saturday, September 20, 2014

Early bird

It's a little after 3:00 a.m. and I am awake and raring to go.  To go where I haven't a clue.  Showered, mandolin' and now I am icing my left wrist.  Yes, that old ache is back and I am treating rather I g than ignoring it as I did the last time when it turned out I torn cartilage in the wrist, and had to have surgery.  I want to rest the wrist the rest of the weekend and ice it regularly.  I just aches a little and it may be residual arthritis but I am not taking any chances.  Last time I did I couldn't play any instrument for almost nine months.  And that, sister, was intolerable and I was near suicidal because I had no music of my own.

Plans for today...yes, I has them.  Expecting some packages by FrdEx and they should be here by noon.   I am going to make short ribs in the fabulous crock pot.  A braising sauce of chilies, onions and peppers.  I have lovely flour tortillas and I think that will be sufficient.  Tomorrow is a lemon artichoke chicken cutlet.  That one I can play around with my rice cooker and have fresh veggies from the farmers' market.  Many sautéed zucchinis, onions and peppers.  So food wise I have a lovely weekend.  I really do enjoy cooking and trying new dishes,  and with all my new cooking toys it is even more fun.

MSU plays Eastern Michigan at noon.  I may have to check in on the game.  I need diversios s this weekend as Hyphen wants to delve into something that sounds rather difficult, that is Vicarious Traumatization.   It is basically where the caregiver, in this case me, is traumatized by the woes of others as I try to help them with their issues.  I think that is the gist of it.  And don't think I mean you.  You, my friend, are always welcomed to talk to me about anything and everything.  I don't feel particularly traumatized.  I will have to wait until Monday.  I thought she was going to say that I was traumatizing her but that is not the case.

And finally, last night a friend and I went to the Ten Pound Fiddle , a local folk music institution in the area celebrating g their fortieth anniversary.  We had a great time and talked about going to The Ark in that other city with that other university.  I have never been to The Ark but I have only heard good things about it.  Looking forward at some point to dinner out and a concert.

I love my music.  Music is my religion.  Amen.

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