Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, Monday

Resumed work full time today, save for an appointment with Hyphen. It was insurance request application renewal day. Such great good fun. Why do I need therapy. Je suis meschuganah. That is as the French say poop de shoe be;in psychiatric terms...Crazy. Bipolar in need of medication and constant attention. No problem, approved for thirty more visits. That will get me through the rest of the year and well into winter. So, here I sit, certifiable, waiting for my mandolin lesson to commence and see how badly I have done the last few weeks practicing. I have still felt under the weather really until just this past weekend. But I'd rather be sleeping than practicing. Getting up at 4:00 a.m. is not a great way to start the day, especially if you don't lay down until 11:00. Back to session. It was, generally. Speaking a good session. I did take a nap after I got home and now I want to lay down again. But, on an up note, it is a glorious day, soon to become a shit Ty week with cold weather arriving. Rain and cold. Yahoo. And now it is time to be a curmudgeon and call the condo association and complain about the appearance of the front lawn, which is littered with bikes and an easy chair. Hiking my pants up I am off.

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