Thursday, September 18, 2014

Pompous Ass

That's me! I realized my earlier posting today painted a rather Dalai Lama like portrait of myself and nothing could be farther from the truth. I am self absorbed and do things to please me and make me happy. Self-centered is how I feel right now. I do things for people and it make me happy. That sounds selfish. I give and I think my motives may be selfish as I keep feeling good about myself when I do something that could be viewed as a positive. Maimonides would think harshly of me. The greatest level of charity is to give before it is asked or needed and to do so anonymously. I think I fail on that count. I expect nothing in return and don't want anyone to feel obligated to me. I just want to live a good life and share my good fortune with others. But I am feeling bad now so mayhap it is time to break off this link in the chain. The High Holy Days are approaching and it makes me a little more thoughtful about my life, its meaning and what I can do for others. And all I can hope for is that, selfishly, my name be written in the Book of Life for another year. Brody's Mom and I are going to Synagogue on Yom Kippur and breaking fast (for me afterwards. I will have lots of time to ponder things. I like to go to Yom Kippur services especially in a year when a relative or close friend has passed. So this time is for Aunt Martha. I can only hope.

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