I seem to be giving some people, like me, the impression I go through people like Kleenex. Well I think I have fathomed why. I am a wuss. Once I set some boundaries, which I needed to set early and neglected to do, I seem to lose my wussness and maybe alienate people. Take the Urinal, for example. Once I said to stop messing with my songs and once the "band" wanted to play two of my songs out of the five we were going to do I think he was upset on both counts. Once I stood up to Polar Vortex and set boundaries, boom, no more wuss and we parted ways. With the Soul Sucker that is more of a conundrum. I think when I was so angry that I didn't want to talk to her for fear of lashing out, but eventually did when I returned an ill-timed Hanukkah present with a rather curt note (boundaries) it hastened the demise of the relationship. With both Polar and Soul notes hastened the end of the relationships, but the notes were of the boundary setting type. So I fear setting more boundaries with Patricia, someone who really needs to acknowledge that my boundaries are not for a little while but forever and are not meant to be hurtful. She lives in my building. I want to retain some degree of civility. But when it comes to ending relationships I seem to hasten things along with a note that truly sets boundaries and really expresses my true feelings which I suppressed for too long.
What do you think, thems of youse who is still talking to me?
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