Friday, June 13, 2014

The rest of the cast of Cats

Since Simcha greeted you all, I thought to include photos of the other two boys.  This is Yankel, my big guy, catching the last rays of the day.  He is a twenty two pound rescue kitty from Allegan, Michigan.  He used to like Simcha but now they are mortal enemies, unless food is being served and then peace reigns.  Below is the Gonif kitty, an Ocicat who was hogging  my chair.  He is the beauty of the bunch, a pure bred and gentle as the day is long.  He is my baby boy, but he is the oldest kitty at seven years of age.  Not much more to say, just introducing the rest of the family.  And proud of myself for figuring out Picasa.  All of this is such a great learning experience.  And I am glad to be sharing it with my friends and family.

The Czarina is signing off for the time being.

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