Don't get me wrong, I can be as religious as the next person, if the next person is a Liberal Reformed Jew. There is a strong culture of Evangelical Christianity in my workplace. It has taken the shape of prayer circles during work hours, which I find annoying. Granted we are a diverse workplace, but the religious culture is very prevalent. If these folks are supportive of a Jewish State, and Jews in general, it is only insofar as it will bring the rebuilding of the temple in Israel as prelude to the Rapture and the end times. I am deliberately Jewish to make sure people are aware of the diverse workplace. But I also know there are a number of agnostic and atheistic people in the workplace and their voice is drowned out by these prayer circles. If they want to have a prayer circle before work in a neutral location that is okay by me. Live and let live my motto be. I believe in the Dalai Lama's quote "Compassion is the radicalism of our time". These Evangelicals are anything but compassionate to those that don't follow their religious orientation. And this culture is pervasive, including management. I have heard of one Evangelical denigrate Arabs to a person of Arab descent. Not very compassionate. If she were a born again pagan with a worshipful small shrub in her cube they would have a shit fit. They should learn to practice the compassion they think they possess. I know a number of these Evangelicals and they are basically nice people, but they only seem to accept me as Jewish as a link to the Rapture. Do I pray? That is my business and I don't parade it in front of my co-workers. Although, I put in Hanukkah decorations. My purpose in doing so is to remind people of the diversity we should all embrace: Protestant, Catholic, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, I could go on and on
So in conclusion: Be Radical...Be Compassionate.
A worshipful shrubbery that plays Cthulhu carols with a spaghetti monster angel on top.