Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Der FlederSchildkröte

Other things I have misheard beyond the turtle du jour:

The Beatles: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds---the girl with colitis walks by

Stephen Foster: Hard Times Come Again No More---tis a whale that is perched upon the shore

These are just two I can recall offhand.  I do hear some interesting things. I am sure there is much I don't hear.

Ms. Gastric and I are thinking of writing a waltz entitled the Der FlederSchildkröte.  Of course we will misappropriate from Strauss, Johann that is.  I should be able to come up with lyrics that might involve certain species of turtles.  Again that is for another time.

Perhaps we will discuss the Polar Vortex, renamed for the summer months as the Solar Vortex.  A friend of the Soul Sucker.  Both suck the very life out of any decent relationship and leave it frozen in time and gasping for air.  They create a relational vacuum, with them at the vortex.  Get a new car or approve additional surgery and they are there for you.  Take away their power and, voila, you get your life back.

I am going to have to deal with Patricia tonight.  A helluva way to spend the last few hours of being 59.  And to my many readers who might be wondering "how does she do it?"  The answer is psychotropic drugs.  And, yes, this is my natural hair color.  When I was a young one, my dad's mother, who had been a flapper and cut her long hair, took that hank of hair out of a tissue paper and matched it exactly to my hair.  So maybe I am my daddy's baby.  Who knows?  Tis a whale that is perched upon the shore. 

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