Friday, June 13, 2014

The Love Boat

Of course some of us are old enough and had a stupid roommate who absolutely loved the Love Boat. Here are the Aunties, from left to right Sally, Martha and Betty, on that ship.  Must have been in the late 1980s when the were all still up to traveling. They looks so young then.

And here are The Sisters and one of the four brothers back in the day.  My grandmother is to the right of uncle Hack.  I love and miss them all.

The one thing I thought odd about photos taken from the Auntiex apartment that my cousin sent to me there are many photos of my mother, loads of other nieces and nephews, but none of me.  I know at one point they had my high school graduation photo but that was missing.  Maybe since I ran away from home in 1976,  I was disowned as I disowned them.  What most of the other cousins don't know is that I use to sneak down to Southfield outside of Detroit to visit my grandmother and her sisters.  I don't know where I was in their lives but I think that they all thought I had deserted them all.  Which I guess I did in some respect.  But I did the best I could do and I had to run to save myself.  But no photo of me.  It's as if I didn't exist anymore  for them.  Makes me sad in a strange sort of way.  A sin of omission it seems.

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