All three of my cats do this when they are blissed out, usually from a nice brushing or kneading my plush tummy, so I am wondering if this is a universal reaction. My cats drool. There, I have said it. Gonif was just brushed, which he doesn't need but loves, and drooled like a trooper. I once had a dog, when I was still drinking, and Gastric came over and was having a Bailey's Irish Cream and the dog, Duffy, drooled uncontrollably at the scent of the Bailey's. Of course Gastric let Duffy lick the glass and that stopped the drooling. He also loved a good beer, a Pilsner, but not a stout. He has since departed this world, but maybe his spirit has followed me, as all my cats drool. Blissing out is their favorite method, but Yankel likes to knead, or make bread as Gastric says, and that is when he drools. Prior to Gonif I don't recall having a cat slobber over me, but these three...
Going out to a friend's house for dinner tonight and then an evening of stargazing. I made two fabulous salads, as it is rather warm today, but not for me I must say, and I thought salads at room temperature would be nice. A lovely orzo salad with fresh herbs and grape tomatoes and a cucumber salad with dill. She is grilling chicken breasts using a Himalayan salt slab I got for her for some occasion. Looks like rain soon but the backs of the leaves haven't turned over yet so it is a ways off. Just cloudy. Her porch is covered so we should still be able to grill tonight. Gastric made a seasonal berry tart and another friend is bringing an appetizer and I know he is a great cook. Sounds like a great evening. Wish you could join us.
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