Thursday, June 19, 2014

My Friday

During the summer months I have the luxury of working a four day week and taking Fridays off.  I save my vacation and personal time all year for this.  I have loads planned for those Fridays: shopping, errands, teaching guitar, long naps with the cats, wonderful leisurely home cooked meals.  Just nice to have three day weekends.  And when I can arrange it I will trot down to Clarkston and visit with cousins.

This weekend I will teach two lessons, get a haircut, and go to the East Lansing Jazz Festival on Saturday.  Looking forward to The Diego Rivera Quartet and also local chanteuse Sunny Wilkinson.  Then I should be home in time to watch the Tigers lose another ballgame and call it a day.  Weather is supposed to be nice all weekend, which is a good thing.  The Libraries' annual outing to a Lugnuts baseball game is set for Sunday.  'Tis Bark in the Park Day and some folks are bringing their pooches, most notably Mr. Brody, a rather rambunctious year old Schnoodle.  Some of my friends from the Detroit and Toledo areas are joining us for this event, without their dogs.  It will be good to see them again and have some time with them for a pleasant afternoon.  Nice way to frame the weekend.  And NO PATRICIA.  She actually has plans that don't involved my presence.

Last night, after raining so much of the day, the humidity dropped and it actually got a little cool in the condo.  Like so many times before, I got cold in the night and was too lazy to get up and get my quilt so I covered up with another pillow.  Then I just didn't want to get motating in the morning, which for me starts at 4:00 a.m. or so.  I sleep on my couch, having turned the bedroom into a music room.  In the summer I rarely sleep with a sheet or blanket.  But some early mornings, like today, I get a tad cold and know I am getting up in less than an hour so I cover up with a pillow.  Doesn't make sense.  As Gastric says I should just keep the quilt on the back of the couch.  But then I would have to disturb Simcha to grab the quilt and that just won't do.  Or even take that much time to plan ahead and then what happens if I don't get cold?  I have to disturb the cat anyway and put the quilt away.   When your bedroom is your living room and the night light is a television these things take a great deal of planning.  And you know what I hate most about spring and summer and having the TV on all night?  The damn emergency broadcast system testing at 3:00 a.m.  Scares the shit out of the boys and me.  Goes off and just jolts me awake.  And some days testing it once just isn't enough.  That do it three of four times before 4:00 a.m. and I am not just awake but ALERT!!!

I love Sundays.  I get my morning paper, head out to breakfast and read, drink coffee and have a pleasant meal.  Stop and shop on the way home and think of profound things to write on the blog.  And they rarely test the emergency broadcast system on the weekends.

Off to open the mail room.  Nothing significant this morning.  Will sit with Gastric Friend on the loading dock, greeting people as they come to work and watching out for turtles. 

I am thinking, out loud as it were, that I might go into some significant detail on what Hyphen Therapy actually is.  Trust me: it's R Rated.  There might be a few "F" bombs; but that is the nature of actual Hyphen Therapy.  And, surprisingly, it works.

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